Sunday, 29 September 2013

Eurogamer 2013

Eurogamer 2013 was EPIC and i really enjoyed my time there. The games were cool with Destiny looking amazing and may just push me over the edge and force me to buy the PS4. But apart from all the new games coming out in the next few months (...can not wait to play Batman...) I had the most fun playing the retro games. They had a whole bunch of old school consoles and some old computers from the late 1970's up to the current generation. Now don't get me wrong i know stuff like COD Ghost and Elder Scroll Online all look great and will blow us away with up to date graphics and deep and meaning full story lines but the game play is something that seems to be missing from a lot of games today compared to games on the nes and snes, even stuff like Commodore 64 and Amstrad GX4000. My god I've not seen one of those since 1990. And now i'm thinking of getting in to retro gaming.

OK so what freebies were on offer. That was a little disappointing. I did get a poster and some post cards for Destiny, a goody bag when i pre-ordered Batman Arkham Origins which came with a T-shirt a key chain and a pack of playing cards.As well as the normal amount of leaflets and stuff.
Something else that disappointed me was the lack of cosplay on display. Well hopefully next year there will be more.      

Now i know i missed a whole lot of stuff but it was my first time going to this and now i know what to expect next time. So i'm sure the 2014 eurogamer will be an even better experience for me. I was a little over whelmed but the amount of people there and the time people were spending in ques.
I will go next year, its something else i need to add to my event calendar.  


Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Return of the Jedi.

This is very cool i saw this on 

and i knew i had to go. So after the Winter LFCC i will be going to see Jedi on the big screen once again. 
So Saturday the 5th of October is going to be a very busy day but how often do you get to meet Flash Gordon and see Jedi on the same day. It's going to be like Christmas and my Birthday rolled in to one. 

The first time was back in 1983 where i saw it seven times... Then again in 1997 for the release of the Special Edition's where i only saw it three times. Now i have another chance to see the movie and i may get the making of book and have it signed by the author J.W. Rinzler and Boba Fett himself  Jeremy Bulloch. Anyway if you are interested in going to see it then head over to the Prince Charles Cinema web page and book your tickets. link below.


Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Savior of the Universe

So i'm a little late with a new post and for that i am sorry, though i have been busy with work i should try to keep this blog thing going and on a semi-regular basis. Well that's the plan.

Ok so what's been happinging.......
To tell the truth a lot really and a lot coming up in the next few months. 
1.) I have Eurogamer at the end of the month. Really looking forward to that. I have never been to a game's con. I have been going to convention since 1995 and This will be new to me and if its ny good then i might start going every year.
2.) At the beginning of October i will be going to the Winter London Film Comic Con and at the end of October there's the Movie Comic Media Expo.
Between all that i will be working on the my Vader. More to come on that in a later post.

But it is the LFCC  that i wanted to make this post about. When i pre-ordered  my ticket i also ordered a ticket for a photo shoot with two of my childhood heroes. Flash Gordon and Voltan, Sam Jones and the legend that is Brian Blessed. This i am very excited about. So much so i went out and got this.

Think i may need to iron it.
But yeah one of my all time favorite movies. and lets face it the sound track kicks the behind of most sound tracks out today.