Sunday, 11 January 2015

The Darth Vader Helmet Project.

With this post i want to give an overall idea of what i have done and what i am going to do with my Darth Vader Helmet. 
What i have planned  on one hand it's pretty simple but on the other it's probably a lot harder than i am thinking it will be.... But i have never really let that stop me in the past..... That probably explains a lot about me!!!!
But lets break this down.
Ok back in 2008 when i got my costume i started to mod the helmet. I covered the inside of the mouth vents I hated the fact that you could see my mouth. And i also changed the padding... It was giving me a rash. I also switched out the lenses so i could see... The old ones were just rubbish. I also Cut out and sewed in some lighter material into the back of the jump suit... It was to hot and i need better ventilation

now we jump to 2015

1.) Drill 3 hole in the top and so i can screw a nut and bolt to the in side of the helmet. Also add a half an inch of padding to raise the dome so it sits higher on the helmet. This will probably make the dome a permanent part of the helmet, but i can live with that. Also add new Velcro
2.) Change the lenses for better ones and add filler to the gaps.
3.) Change the tusks to something more screen accurate and pointy
4.) replace the mouth grill and vent.
5.) reshape the neck line.

6.) replace all padding 
7.) replace straps 
8.) add a fan.

And of cause clean and then repaint the whole thing in high gloss black. So that is pretty much it, i don't think most of the things i want to do will be very hard.... On a side note i want to look at to get a neck brace to finish the look. 
As long as i take my time that is. But i do need to give this a big push and at lest try to get this helmet ready for painting. Once it's ready for that i can think about the shin armour. And once that is done i can paint very thing. Oh and not to forget i still need to sand and finish the chest armour though most of that is already done it is just the small details that need to be finished. 

Let me know what you think and if you have any advice please leave a comment I would welcome any and all ideas.


Sunday, 4 January 2015

Happy 2015 and Hope your all your Geeky Dreams come true this year.

I hope everyone reading this had a great Christmas and a good New Years... 

So that was 2014.... the year went by way to quick but it was a pack year with Cons, Movies and all sorts of other geek related going on's... And 2015 is looking like it will be even more busy... Got lots planed for the coming months. Just hope that unlike most of my plans they don't fall apart.... 

I quick update on the Darth Vader Armour.
I am currently working on lifting the dome of the helmet. I have some ideas and will be doing a post soon. But i nee to think if i want to make the dome a permanent part of the helmet or keep it as a two part helmet... The biggest problem i have is that the Velcro never stays stuck to the mask and the dome keeps falling lower than it should be...  

New Years Revolution.
With it being a new year i have decided to reevaluate things nothing to major just looking at little things like what i buy and how i collect and where i can... no... MUST cut back on.... 
And how i want my collection to evolve... In other words i have to sell a load of stuff... and rethink about the direction i want to take the collection.... It's a topic that all collectors must face at some point... I just don't have the room for everything i own and lets face it i don't display most of what i have... and even if i did you would never be able to see it cause "you can't see the forest for the trees..." 
The weird thing is i am actually a minimalist type of person and like to keep things clean and simple... but i have a huge collection of stuff and everything is on top of each other. I have a feeling of constant clutter around me. But i need to trim the fat off the collection... keep the good stuff and get rid of the tat... Well none of it is tat  but you know i mean.
Lets face it i can't go to SDCC with a big debts over my head... you should get that after the holiday not before... 
So to get the house in order and to slim things down i will be selling a lot of things on Ebay, Amazon and trading.... The funds will go into clearing my debts and saving for SDCC... Hell i started with cancelling a load of pre-orders i had on Amazon, Hobby Link Japan and the Forbidden Planet.  
Now i know i wont be going to the 2015 nor the 2016 one but maybe the 2017 or 18 one... But in-between i will be heading to a lot of cons. 
With Star Wars epVII coming out in December and a Star Wars Celebration happening in the US this year i am hoping there be another Celebration Europe in the UK. I went to the first one back in 2007 and i didn't get the chance to go to the one in Germany in 2013. So i am hoping there will be one in 2016 but lets not wish this year away to quickly... after all There is so much to look forward to this year. 

So this is the first post of 2015 and here is to many more... 
And here is to you all hope you will have a great 2015 and thank you for reading....