Sunday, 31 May 2015

What's coming up in the future.

It's Sunday the 31/05/15 and tomorrow is the 01/06/15. And that means the we are nearly half way through the year. It has gone by very quickly and a lot has happened in the last couple of months. A few conventions some big movies. But it is of the future and the convention that are coming up that i wanted to write about. And remember all the links for these cons can be found on the Convention Link page of this blog. So going in order....

June 13-14/05/15. Collectormania 23 - Milton Keynes. 
Never been to any of the Collectormania conventions though it has been one i have wanted to go to but i never had the opportunity. So this should be good, if anything it will be something new. Also a lot of Superman 4 The Quest for Peace was filmed in Milton Keynes in 1986. So i might if i can get a chance go and see some of the filming locations used in the movie. This is a good read and was the inspiration for trying to see the locations while i was in Milton Keynes

July 10-12/07/15. Hyper Japan - The O2 Arena.
I have been to a couple of the Hyper Japans but always left feeling a little disappointed. But the con has moved to a new venue and it will be interesting to see how they have used the space. And it will be a day out. 

July 17-19/07/15 London Film and Comic Con - London Olympia.
 The London Film and Comic Con is like an old friend. I have been going to this since the early 2000's. I normally prefer this con being held at Earls Court but the London Olympia is just as good. and me and a friend have got tickets to get a photo with Jeremy Bulloch in his Boba Fett costume. I am looking forward to this all the other costume photo shoots i have been to have been star trek ones This will be my first Star Wars one.

23-25/10/15. London MCM Expo - London Excel
I have been going twice a year for a while now and tho i have mixed feelings about the Expo i do look forward to it every time. I really should learn to control my enthusiasm. 

TBA. Winter London Film ans Comic Con - TBA
This is held every year around October or November and i will be going to this.

So that's pretty much it. That's my convention scheduled for the rest of the year. And it all ends with Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens. In December... In all 2015 hasn't been a bad year so far So still a lot to do and thing to look forward to. Plus i still have a lot of work to do on my Vader Armour  and i still have plans for my brothers Batman costume. I don't where i will find all the time i need... But any way this was meant to be a little update post with what is coming up. Let me know if you are going to any or all the cons i have listed above or if i have missed one let me know in the comments below.

Sunday, 24 May 2015

London MCM Expo May 2015... Different.

This weekend 22-24/5/2015 was the weekend of the London MCM Comic Con or the London Expo as the old timers call it. I will not call it Comic Con as there hardly to no comic at this Comic Con... But as a Media, Comic and Movie Expo (...MCM Expo...) It does what it always has, it covered Games, Movies and so on. It was interesting, different but interesting. I mean the lay out of the show floor and the over crowding has always been an issue. But to the credit of the people running the convention they are trying different things and they learn from it. each year there are changes some work some don't but each convention grows and normally for the better.

This years Con was no exception i really liked the fact that they limited the number of tickets. So if you didn't have a ticket you couldn't get in or be on the premises. So congestion was not as bad as it was in years gone by. Also there was an area that had food stalls opposite the show floor... I just wish they had put all the hot Japanese food stalls in the same area. It would of freed up a little space. And may of helped with easing some of the crowd in the Excel corridor. It was looking very empty and the space just looked wasted. I should of gone in there for a hot dog or burger instead of the burger van down the road from the Excel Center.... that was not a good burger... though the chicken burger i had at the October 2014 con was really nice.... oh well next time i will try the food in the food court. But it was the lay out of the show floor that completely confused me. I am used to the ales going up and down but it felt like the first part ran left to right and then behind that they ran up and down. So trying to find stalls was not easy. Heck i couldn't find the Batmobile  till the end and it was very near the fount. Don't know how the hell i missed it!!! The map in the show guide didn't really help. But now that i've seen this on i think i should be more comfortable with the next one in October. I have nothing to complain about it was a good day and i am looking forward to watching the cosplay youtube videos online in the next couple of days. 

I was happy to see Bandai back and Tamashi nation were showing some very cool Dragon Ball Z figures. Namco were there as well and Tales Of Zestiria is looking good. I am really looking forward to playing that. Been a fan of the Tales Of games for a long time.   

I did pick up two figures a S.H. Figuarts Stormtrooper and a SD Nemesis Prime mini figure. The Stormtrooper is very cool and I must get the Darth Vader figure. I must say that the Vader looks a lot better than the Hasbro Vader. So i will be adding him to the list of things to pick up. I saw a few Gundam model kits there but were just over what i would be willing to pay.  
The cosplayer were great and i saw some amazing costumes the 501st were there as always and looking great. I was a little disappointed that none of them had the new Trooper armour from The Force Awakens. 

The day overall was good i enjoyed myself and hopefully the next one will have a few talks i would want to go to but that's in October. Till then there is the Collectormania convention in June at Milton Keynes. Not been to that one before so it should be good. If anything it is something new. 

Sunday, 10 May 2015

Ok i have nothing... I mean it nothing

Ok i have nothing... I mean it nothing has happened in the last week since the last post. I've done a little work on my Vader Helmet. Nothing major just a little sanding and filing down so it's ready for adding the putty and then re-sanding and finally painting. I was hoping to have it ready for 23rd for the London Expo but that wont be happening. Still to much work needs doing. I am hoping to have the work on the neck line done by next weekend and then i can get it ready for the next stage. I should really mix things up a little as just working on one part constantly can get boring so i might leave the helmet for a little bit and go back to the Chest Armour the shoulder bells still need to be worked on. This mean the the project is always moving forward. I should of done a wall chart so i could track the progress. Next time i do something like this i will be more prepared. This is a learning experience. But the fact is i have gone to work, come home, slept and then back to work. Have haven't really had as much time to set aide for this but i will try harder in the coming weeks and months. I would of like to have it ready for the Expo or the London Film and Comic Con. Me and a friend have tickets for  a Jeremy Bulloch photo with him in his Boba Fett Armour. With Star Wars Celebration in July next year in London i have no real reason for it not to be ready for that... I have a rough plan to have Jeans and T-shirt on Friday, Vader on Saturday and Jedi on Sunday It's just an idea but i have over a year to sort that out. As for the here and now. Well not much to say.I played a little on the playstaion  and today on Sunday i made Megatron...

I still have Optimus Prime to do as well as a load of the Bandai Star Wars kits to do. But i have some time off in August and maybe if i am lucky a week off in July so i will hopefully i will get lots done with my time off work... 
If i don't get a chance to do a post next week i will do one the following week for the Expo.