A lot of work has gone into the Clone Commando helmet over the last week. This is down to the fact that the weather has been farily good so i have been able to get home from work and work on it. When I last posted on the blog the priming was done. With all things considered I am very happy with how it went. I do like the plain grey look of the primer it reminds me of the behind the scenes photos of the prop makers on a movie.
I left the helmet to dry for day or so then started to prep for the first coat of paint. I wanted something similar to a Clone Captain with a red accents.
This turned out better than I thought and I had very minimal running or dripping. That was nice as I didn't want to spend a great deal of time sanding and repainting. So like before with the priming I let the helmet dry for a day or more. Then once I removed all the masking tap I was very happy with how well it turned out. For my first time at doing this think it turned out really well.
Now I know there was a run/over spray that I should of removed but I thought i would just paint over it. After all I don't need this to be perfect it is a test after all. Once the paaint was fully dry I got the helmet ready for the black paint.
Once again i left it to dry for a day or two before removing all the tape. I was very happy with the black look and hopefully will look good next to the red.. The gloss black did dry a slight mat-ish but i am sure that once i use a little polish it will bring out the shinny.... But before I do any of that I still needed to so a clear coat.
Well that is as far as I have gotten this week. I still need to look into polishing the helmet to give it a shinny glossy look. Then there is the T-visor i need to add as well as the blue LED light that runs along the top of the T-visor and the little mouth bits that go on the bottom of the helmet to glue back on Then I think I will be done.
This project should be mostly complete by the end of next week. Once this is complete and out of the way I can carry on with the Vader amour. And there is still a lot of stuff that I need to do. At the moment Cosplay feels more like work than fun. But once complete all the hard work and effort will be worth it.