Sunday, 9 March 2014

London Super Comic Con. Count Down.

Let the count down BEGIN!!!! 

So there are only Five days left till the Saturday 15th the Day of the London Super Comic Con ( LSCC ) OK six if you count today. That being Sunday 9th. Any way there is not long to go and i am get excited This is the 3rd LSCC I missed the the first two back in 2012 and 2013. But this time i made the effort and booked my tickets. I am hoping this will be a very different con the the London Expo. LSCC looks to be a much more Comic ( Mervel/DC and so forth ) sen-trick  convention where the Expo is a lot more Anime and Manga orientated convention. I am also hoping that it will be better run than Last years Expo. Now i am not sure if the London Expo and the LSCC is run by the same company but both cons are held at the London Excel Center. So this means i know the lay out of the center but how will the people running the con deal with all the attendees. I am guessing there will be fewer people going to this than the Expo but i could be wrong. My thinking is that if this is a comic con and not an anime con then we should not have all the cosplayers out in force and the attendees should be a little older. Now i could be way off but anime seems to draw a much younger audience I am basing this off the people you see at the London Film and Comic Con 
( LFCC ) Not an anime con by any means so i am using it a a bench mark to how i will judge the LSCC. Now don't think for a moment that i am expecting this to be a small quiet con, far from it i am expecting it to be very busy but not on the same same level as the Expo. 
So if you have gone to both let me know how the other two cons were and how they compared to the Expo?

I love a count down. i tend to watch a load of movies or do something each day that has a relation to the event i am going to. like watching the marvel movies one a day before the Avengers came out in cinemas. But i don't know what to watch or if i should just read a few comics as a lead up to the con. I could always play Lego Marvel on the ps3 each day. try and platinum the game in a week... Ok i will do that. 

Hopefully once the con is over i will post my thoughts and any pics i took. I hope it's better than the last Expo so i will have a lot of positive thing to say.


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