Sunday, 15 March 2015

...What Happened London Super Comic Con!!!!...

Ok I have no idea what to say or how to put what I am thinking in to words my feelings about this years London Super Comic Con (.LSCC.)... 
To put things simply... 
I was disappointed. I thought I was negative about last years convention and i thought i was positive about this years one in my last post....
Oh Lord was i wrong... 
Now i went there with hopes of having a good start to my convention season and i was hoping things would start with a bang... But everything was, was....was disappointing. It felt smaller than last years con. There was not as many sellers and for a Super Comic Con There nothing special there. Yes there was lots of comics but nothing to do and see. Me and my friend got there at 10:30 got onto the show floor by 10:45 and by 11:30 we were done and having lunch. 
We saw everything that was there!!!
We spend longer having lunch than we did walking around. When we went to lunch and we were leaving the show floor we overheard a guy with his son asking one of the staff there. 
"Is that it! Is there anything else?" 
The staff replied
"No. That's everything"
I really don't know what to say. If you did go and you had a good time then that's great i am happy for you. I on the other hand was very, very disappointed... It was a Convention but it felt more like a small comic mart in a really big hall. There was nothing super in this years Super Comic Con. And i know i could of gone to the panels and that but even the panels were uninspiring.
After Lunch we went back  to see if we missed anything and to buy the very few bits we saw. I brought the Power Ranger Legacy DragonZord  and my friend got a Deadpool Vinyl. Then we headed home. In all we must of spent around 1 hour and 35 minutes if that on the show floor. With about 1 hour for lunch this was not worth the £20 i paid for my ticket. 
But... and not to end on a negative... The cosplay was very cool and with the London Expo coming up in May, Collectormania in June and the London Film and Comic Con in July. Things can only get better.... But lets see how next years con goes...
This is short as was my time at the LSCC. Fingers crossed for next year.

With that out of the way it is with sad news that on Thursday the author Terry Pratchett died. This is very sad and he will be missed. I always enjoyed the Discworld books.

Terry Pratchett

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