Saturday, 1 September 2018

Star Wars Celebration Europe 3 London 2016 and The Darth Vader Complete

So this is late. Over TWO years late but better late than never.... 

Here in the UK conventions would normally run for two days Saturday and Sunday. But in the last 3 or 4 years a lot of bigger profile conventions like the LFCC, MCM and so on have started to take three days Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Not quite the American Four day con but we're slowly getting there. So this will be my first ALL THREE DAY CON!!!   
But before I jump in to the convention I should talk about the Darth Vader Amour. I was all finished and it looked great even if I was a little tubby.. LOL. 

So a big improvement over how it originally looked. All the hard work paid off. I was happy with it. There are a few things i would like to change or improve. mostly around extending the back of the helmet and making the trim a little thicker. and I want to get a new chest/shoulder amour. Something to think about for 2019. 

Star Wars Celebration Europe 3  was AMAZING!!!! 
It began the day before on the Thursday when I received my Anovos First Order Stormtrooper Standered Line Helmet.
The Helmet looks fantastic on the shelf or from a the other side of the room. When you look at it, it looks like it came straight off of the set of The Force Awakens. The helmet looks good next to the Master Replicas CE Stunt Helmet and the E-FX Shadow Trooper Helmet 
(recast of the MR Stunt but in Black).
My biggest problem is that it is  £20-30  over priced. It may look great and I am happy and if you're happy with your helmet. I like it I really do, I'm just am not happy with the price I paid. Before anyone says I over paid I paid around £206 for it at the Forbidden Planet. But it has the same build quality as a Stormtrooper CE Stunt Helmet from Master Replicas that came out round 2007/8 and that cost me £150 New. So its a little over priced but It was still worth it. I like the new Trooper design. I have no idea how much The Last Jedi one costs but if you can get it for around the £200 mark then pick one up. 
A couple of hours later my mate turned up and we made our way to the hotel in Beckton. Once we checked in and unpacked we made our way to the Excel Center where the con was being held to get out passes, program and other little bits that were pre-ordered like T-shirts and badges. As we were going back to the hotel I was amazed at the number of people already in line. I'm getting to old for that I need my bed and a good nights sleep. Oh to be young and free again. 
After that we went back to the room and tried to get some sleep.   

The Convention was awesome I had such a great time and met so many new people. There was also so much more there than the first Celebration Europe. Great back in 2007 but nearly 10 years later this was a massive step up.
This being the summer of 2016 there was a big push for the film out that year Rogue One. There was a selection of costumes from the movie and it was interesting to see how they have changed the Stormtrooper armour for a movie made in 2016. It was also cool to see the new Shore and Death Troopers. 

There was so much to see and so many people. The con was really well laid out and even though it was super busy it never felt packed or to crowed. 

There were a lot of people in cosplay and everyone looked great. Wish I had taken more photos of all the cosplayers. There were some amazing costumes there

I didn't buy that much at this convention. Not that there wasn't a lot to buy. There was loads of dealers but just not a lot that caught my my eye. If I remember correctly I did all my shopping the Sunday. That's pretty good for me. Going to have to do more cons where i'm there for more than  one day. It'll force me to pace myself when it comes to spending.  
All the fan created booths were fantastic the amount of detail but in to the models is amazing. Also the 501st were there with a great display of armour and other costumes 

On the Sunday I was walking around when a guy stoped me and asked if I wouldn't mind being interviewed for a South Afcian TV??? I said ok and he ask a few questions whole thing lasted a few mintues. Not something that happens everyday.

I didn't go to any panels I just didn't have time. There was so much going on time just flow by. We got there an hour or so before the doors opened and we left at around 5pm in time to get back to the hotel for dinner. The Friday and Saturday night there was a screening of A New Hope and The Force Awakens. Which was great to sit there with a hall full of Star Wars fans.

Overall it was a great con  and I hope it comes back to the UK again soon. As a Star Wars fan you owe it to yourself to go at least one day. You don't need to go all three days. I had a friend who only went on the Saturday with his son. Both of them loved it and can't wait to go again. 
Doing this from memory was not the best idea as I haven't gotten across my thoughts and feeling about the con properly or coherently. This would of been better if I'd done this once I got home  two years ago. 


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